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Laboratory Support Staff Responsibilities

Coordinate with the Instructor to prepare unknowns, reagents and equipment needed for class. A staff member is assigned to each class – see the table on page 1 of this section. Chemicals & equipment needed by students should be in the labs before class starts. Oversights do happen, but please check the lab carefully before requesting expected supplies.

Refill Reagents. If reagent refills are needed during class, student closes the empty bottle and carries it in an appropriate secondary container to the Stockroom Service Window and carries the refilled bottle back to the lab.

Provide Unknowns. Normally, unknown samples will be given to the TA. Stockroom Service Window Staff will give unknowns (including refills) to a student with written permission from the TA or Instructor. With approval of the Instructor, Lab Staff will give TA the unknown answer key after the students have turned in their results.

Check first aid and chemical spill kits, eyewashes, safety showers and fire extinguishers in each lab regularly.

Arrange repair of broken/malfunctioning equipment as soon as possible. TAs immediately report such equipment (in writing) to the Stockroom Staff to eliminate bottlenecks caused by equipment shortages.

Rosters & Add/Drops.  Lab Staff will supply class rosters and collect attendance for the first lab meetings. Students who do not attend the first lab meeting will be administratively dropped to make room for additional students. Updated class roster will be available for the following meeting.  Exceptions are made for students who contact the Instructor in advance and have permission to miss the first meeting.
NOTE: Lab Staff cannot add a student to a class; all adds are handled through WebReg. Lab Staff can assist students who are registered for class, but do not appear on your roster; they may be in the wrong room/section.

Refer students to appropriate staff or services. Where questions fall outside our area of expertise, Lab Staff will try to send the student to the person or office that can help.

Lecture Demonstrations.  Demonstration materials are available from the Teaching Labs Stockroom, York 3150. Instructors may schedule the materials needed for a class. Instructions for the demonstrations will accompany the chemicals and glassware provided.

Coordinate Lab Safety Education and Examination. The Teaching Labs’ Safety Staff, in cooperation with the faculty and the Department Safety Director, guides lab safety education for lab students and administers safety examinations for introductory lab students.