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Annual Committee Meeting and Yearly Evaluation

Students in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics PhD program will meet in person yearly with their dissertation committee. At least four of the five committee members must be present for this meeting. Typically, this meeting would occur in year 4 and year 5 prior to the thesis defense. The committee meeting is required prior to completion of the yearly evaluation which is due at the end of spring quarter.

A satisfactory evaluation on file with the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs is REQUIRED for continued financial support, registration/enrollment, and for consideration of any exceptions/petitions. Registration holds will be placed on student accounts for those without an evaluation submitted to the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs.

The deadline to complete the Annual Evaluations is Friday of Finals Weeks of Spring Quarter.

The Department requires an annual evaluation for all continuing PhD students except:

  • Students officially on leave of absence during Spring Quarter of that academic year. (A student on leave that Spring must have an evaluation completed no later than the end of the first quarter of return).

Overview of the Online Process for Faculty

  • Student Self-Evaluation: Student Affairs will route the Evaluations to students first for self-evaluation. Departmental specific questions are available for students to answer and must be completed by April 30th. Once the Student Self-Evaluation has been completed then Student Affairs will route the evaluation to step 2. No signature from the student is required at this stage.
  • Faculty Evaluation: Student Affairs will route the Evaluations to the Thesis Advisors for comment and signature (both are required of Thesis Advisors). If Thesis Advisor is outside of the Chemistry Department, the student's Co-Advisor will also be required to sign the evaluation, with the option to comment.
  • Faculty should meet with student. Comments should be entered into the online evaluation. Once the Faculty has entered his/her online signature and presses “Submit”, faculty will no longer be able to make any changes online. Contact Student Affairs ( if an error has been made.
  • Faculty sign in at Spring Evaluation Portal with their “Single-Sign On” account.
  • Faculty should then be directed to a screen with tabs that list students for whom they are the Thesis Advisor or a Committee Member.
  • For students who have advanced to candidacy for the PhD:
    • Signatures from two members of their doctoral committee (in addition to their thesis advisor) are required by the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, with the option to comment.
    • After the required Committee signatures are entered, the evaluation will be routed to the student. Students are required to sign, with the option to comment.
    • After the student signs, the evaluation is routed to the Vice Chair of Graduate Education for signature.
    • Once the Vice Chair of Graduate Education reviews and signs, the evaluation is then routed to the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs. The process is complete!
  • For students who have NOT advanced to candidacy for the PhD:
    • After the Advisor provides comments and signature, the evaluation will be routed to the student. Students are required to sign, with the option comment.
    • After the student signs, the evaluation is then routed to the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs. The process is complete!

Overview of the Online Process for Students

  • Student Self-Evaluation: Student Affairs will route the Evaluations to students first in order for you to complete a self-evaluation. You will receive an email, or you can access the evaluation via the portal. Upon accessing the online evaluation, you will be prompted to respond to questions regarding your performance/progress/accomplishments. You will have until April 30th to complete this MANDATORY step. This step MUST BE completed before we can route your evaluation to your faculty advisor. No signature will be required from you at this time.
  • Advisor Evaluation: Student Affairs will route the Evaluations to the Thesis Advisors for comment and signature (both are required of Thesis Advisors). If Thesis Advisor is outside of the Chemistry Department, the student's Co-Advisor will also be required to sign the evaluation. with the option to comment. It is the student's responsibility to help ensure the timely completion of your evaluation. We encourage you to contact your advisor(s) as soon as possible to discuss/initiate the evaluation process. 
  • Faculty should meet with the student. Comments should be input into the online evaluation system. The Faculty provides an online signature.
  • For students who have advanced to candidacy for the PhD:
    • Once the Thesis Advisor comments and signs the evaluation, it will be routed to members of the student's Doctoral Committee. The Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs requires a minimum of two Committee Members to sign, with the option to comment.
    • After the required Committee Signatures are entered, the evaluation will be routed to the student. Students are required to sign, with the option to comment.
    • After the student signs, the evaluation is routed to the Vice Chair for final signature, and then routed to the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs. The process is complete!
  • For students who have NOT advanced to candidacy for the PhD:
    • After the Advisor provides comments and signature, the evaluation will be routed to the student. Students are required to sign with the option to comment.
    • After the student signs, the evaluation is routed to the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs. The process is complete!